Legacy Giving

We know that you understand the importance of compassion – and now you can ensure our mission lasts decades into the future. By joining the Schwartz Center’s Legacy Society as a charter member, you can ensure the well-being of future generations of healthcare workers and sustain generations of caregivers, including doctors, nurses, and all healthcare workers, to feel increased compassion and engagement toward patients. Becoming a member of the Schwartz Legacy Society ensures that the issues you care about and the values you cherish will be long remembered.

It’s a common misunderstanding that only the wealthy make planned gifts to charities. In fact, anyone can make a planned gift – whether as a percentage bequest or fixed amount in a will, or as a beneficiary designation for a financial account or life insurance policy.

For many donors, a planned gift is an opportunity to make a larger contribution to our mission of protecting compassion and empathy in patient care. If you designate even a small percent of your estate’s assets, a planned gift will have an important impact for the Schwartz Center. One gift alone could provide access to Schwartz Center programs for an under-resourced hospital or clinic for a year. Or it could help design and implement new channels to bring Schwartz Center resources to our members. The impact is substantial, and it is lasting.

You can name the Schwartz Center in your will or as a beneficiary of a retirement fund, life insurance policy, or financial asset at any time. These gifts cost nothing during your lifetime, while providing for a lasting impact later.

Even if your will is already in place, you can add a simple addendum (known as a codicil) to include the Schwartz Center in your plans. For example, to leave a gift in your will, simply share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner:

“I bequeath $______ or ____% of my estate to the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare, PO Box 417597, Boston, MA 02114”

If we are in your plans, please let us know by completing the form below so can properly thank you.

You can also make a Qualified Charitable Contribution by following the directions below.


If you are over 70 ½ years old and have an IRA, you can make a QCD up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to the Schwartz Center. A QCD can help you reach your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) without having to pay income taxes on the amount of your donation. Your gift must go directly from your traditional IRA or Roth IRA to the Schwartz Center. In order to complete a QCD, contact your IRA administrator for the necessary forms and procedures. Gifts must be made by December 31 to take advantage this tax year.


  • Inform the institution holding your IRA that you want to make a QCD the Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare.
  • Complete the necessary paperwork to request the QCD
  • Please direct the institution to mail checks to: The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare, P.O. Box 417597, Boston, MA 02241-7597

Legacy Gift Intention Form

"*" indicates required fields


I have named The Schwartz Center as a beneficiary in my will or estate plans.
I would like to make The Schwartz Center the beneficiary of all or a portion of the following assets:

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